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Winterfest 2023

37th year of this retreat for middle and high school teens to encourage them in their walk with God

The youth group will leave on January 12th and get back on January15th. Early bird registration cost is $110; after December 18, cost is $130. Scholarships are available. Register with Faith if you're interested in going!  For more information, please visit

The teachers and guests that come use real life stories, drama, music and scripture to make the Christian life come alive to the teens involved. The acappella praise and worship times are uplifting and engaging. We have contemporary Christian concerts at our events that are supplemental to the weekend (we have had Jars of Clay, Third Day, Newsboys, Audio A, Supertones, Tait, to name a few).

Believing that the Christian life can be very joyful, the retreat brings in the best Christian entertainers we can find to challenge teens with their lifestyle and their attitudes (we have had Bob Stromberg, One Time Blind, Paul & Nicole, Ted & Lee, Tom Tufts, CPR, Dr. Comedy, Taylor Mason, Lost & Found, Bob Smiley, Curt Cloninger, The Skit Guys, Brad Montague, 3-2-1, UnBound, Hoss Ridgeway, Bean & Bailey, to name a few).