GATHER for inspiring worship
There is a special delight in GATHERing with a diverse group of people who love and care for one another; there is power and joy of spirit as we sing together; there is a collective understanding of God's grace as we share the Lord's Supper together; there is a blessing in being united in our belief in a God that loves us.
GATHER activities often start with attending Sunday morning worship gatherings. Although we have livestream worship gatherings, we urge everyone to attend in-person worship gatherings when possible.
As you progress, you may want to attend one worship gathering and serve at the other worship gathering. There are also related activities such as the prayer team and the bible study classes to grow into. Growth also leads to demonstrating and speaking about your faith to others.

GROW in authentic life groups
To GROW both spiritually and personally, we have many life groups that meet throughout Albuquerque to discuss what we learned on Sunday morning. People are always joining - so find one in your neighborhood and join us!
GROW activities often start with being a member of a life group, then growing into serving in a life group and inviting others to "try out a life group":
GO to tangibly love our neighbors
We GO to our neighbors by focusing on highly relationship-oriented and value-adding initiatives such as the Wednesday night dinners and life skills workshops, children's events; and helping/coaching neighbors or, at least, pointing them to help that improves their long-term situation. Join us!!!
GO activities often start with attending and being an encourager to neighbors as a participant in a workshop or class on Wednesday night. The next steps include inviting neighbors to serve with us in outreach activities for the neighborhood.