Serve During a Worship Gathering

Check out the many rewarding opportunities to serve at a Sunday morning gathering.

It takes many hands to get everything done on a Sunday morning so there are many rewarding ways to serve. Check out the opportunity list and collage below and then use the form to get the ball rolling.

  • Guest Services is a great place to start - at the front door, the lobby door, or the information center.
  • Helpers are always needed in the Children and Youth ministry areas. What a rewarding experience!
  • Join other prayer warriors praying for prayer requests, church, neighbors, worship gatherings, etc.
  • We have an extraordinary adult class ministry - consider being a teacher, an assistant, or a helper.
  • Serving communion is not operating during COVID but is a highly spiritual service opportunity.
  • There are many set-up tasks including signage, coffee setup, arranging rooms, and sanitizing.
  • Online hosting of the worship livestream is a great way to bless visitors and home-based members.
  • Security requires some special training but there is a team of experts to help you get started.
  • Running the sound board also requires special training but training is provided periodically.
  • If you have professional training and expertise in music, try out for the praise team or worship band.