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Anita Miller

Learn about the Montgomery Interim Operations Director, Anita Miller

I have been part of the Montgomery Church staff since 2016. Currently I am blessed to serve in the role of Interim Operations Director. This role includes:

  • managing the staff which includes the children's ministry leader, youth ministry leader, worship ministry leader and key worship leaders, as well as the operations-oriented personnel;
  • directing the church functions that lead outsiders from curb to connected;
  • coordinating the numerous activities associated with our key functions: GATHER to worship, GROW in life groups, and GO out to love our neighbors;
  • facilitating prayer and care activities;
  • leading the operations activities which include the office management and financial activities as well as interfacing with members and community organizations; and
  • implementing extensive communications across the congregation and neighborhood.

My heart has always drawn me to serving our neighbors so I have also been blessed to have been the Montgomery Church Outreach Minister for several years. My responsibilities included oversight of the Montgomery Church Neighborhood Needs Assessment, the Wednesday Night Community Dinner and Workshops, the School Partnerships at Comanche Elementary and Cleveland Middle School, and working with neighbors through the Laundry Love program as well as serving neighborhood families experiencing homelessness through Family Promise. I also enjoy leading workshops, life group sessions, and Bible Study classes. My door is always open for neighbors seeking guidance, information or friendship.

Over the years, I have also supported the lead minister in the areas of project management, strategic planning, and webmaster as well as providing support to the Shepherds.

I grew up in West Texas. I received a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Abilene Christian University, a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of North Texas, and completed doctoral courses in Computer Research at Florida International University. 

I spent most of my career at Raytheon Systems in Washington D.C. I started as a programmer and later became an executive vice president leading Business Development.

I was married for about 20 years and was blessed with two step-children and 5 step-grandchildren. I became a widow in 2013.

I am now married to Don Rust, a retired attorney. We enjoy serving our neighbors together and we both love to travel.

I came to Montgomery Church as a non-believer questioning whether my non-believer decision was right. I am very thankful and have been very transformed by the friendships, the answers to questions, the classes, the sermons, the workshops, and the conversations that have led me back to my Savior and to important ministry work. If any website visitors are struggling with similar decisions, I'd be glad to share my experiences with you. Blessings, Anita